A few iPad differences/bugs to squish.

Whilst working on the code to email recipes as PDF’s and whatnot I’ve had the opportunity to give the iPad version of the code a thorough going over. I’ve encountered a few bugs. Some are technically present in the iPhone version but are not a consideration due to the interface.

You can repeatedly add recipes in the iPad version without leaving the last one. This is not possible on the iPhone due to the recipe screen occupying the whole display so you have to navigate out of process by hitting cancel or save before you can get to the add button again. Which is how it should be in a navigation app on the iPhone. However on the ipad the recipe list view is always present and thus so is the add recipe button. It’s possible to continuously add blank recipes with no information. Driving this ‘feature’ to destruction eventually meant the core data db was so buggered I had to delete it. That’s a simple enough fix with a delegate call to disable the button until one is saved/cancelled.

Another seems quite particular to the iPad. Testing the rotation of the device in all possible application states lead to a strange discovery. In portrait mode the application behaves fine including rotation at all stages. In landscape mode, regardless of when the orientation into that state was applied, a strange thing happens in two of the dialogs. There are three modal dialog boxes in the ipad version. One to add a new category and two in the recipe view for adding ingredients and steps. The latter two cause a bizarre problem in landscape,when they are closed via cancel or save.  The parent recipe view rotates 90 degrees.  After this has occurred further rotations also cause the view to rotate so it never again appears in the correct orientation.  This appears to affect the view containing both the recipe and the toolbar although it’s hard to tell if the toolbar has truly rotated or whether it has just be obscured by the recipe view.

I’ve noted people complaining about this issue but their solutions do not appear to resolve my problem.  One was attempting to force his application in landscape mode so his solution was trivial and others discovered they had not implemented shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation everywhere.  So far so confused and a bit pissed off as this really needs to be solved.  Won’t get approved with such UI weirdness present.

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