Some quick math about the app store.

If we image the following, slightly unrealistic, scenario:

1) That I’d like to recoup the cost of my Mac.
2) That I’d like to recoup the cost of the developer program for 1 year.
3) That I’d like to draw, retrospectively, a moderate salary for the time it took which is let’s say 3 months.

Then we have:

Mac : £1700
Developer Program : £59
Salary Per Month : £1500
Total : £6259

Apple take 30% of the Applications retail cost so I need to inflate that sum to arrive at the total value of sales such that I receive that much in return:

A * 0.70 = £6259
£6259/0.70 = A
A = £8941.50

If we assume I price it at the lowest possible price which is £0.59 then we need to sell ~15200 copies. 😛

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