Crypto chall…. errr whut?

Thanks to kirrus. I hadn’t actually looked at it since saving it to a text file… but yes it does indeed have exif data.

You win!

diziet@xenoglossicist:~$ cat cs_cypher.txt | base64 -d > fish.bin
diziet@xenoglossicist:~$ file fish.bin
fish.bin: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
diziet@xenoglossicist:~$ logout
Connection to closed.
Paul-Downss-MacBook-Pro:Documents diziet$ scp fish.jpg’s password:
fish.bin 100% 20KB 19.9KB/s 00:00
Paul-Downss-MacBook-Pro:Documents diziet$

It had to be steganograhy or something as well right?

Or not….

diziet@xenoglossicist:~/crypto/stegdetect-0.6$ ./stegdetect ../fish.jpg
../fish.jpg : negative

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